Fletch & Co.

Why Your Clients Hate Losing More Than They Love Winning: The Loss Aversion Effect


Why are we often more paralysed by the fear of losing $100 than exhilarated by the prospect of gaining the same amount?

We as humans are biologically wired to feel the pang of loss more acutely than the pleasure of gain… up to 2x more, in fact. This is what is known as ‘loss aversion‘. It is intrinsically linked to our survival instincts and a product of millennia of evolution. Our caveman ancestors, who faced life-or-death situations on a daily basis, needed to be keenly attuned to potential losses—like the risk of encountering a predator—rather than gains, such as finding food. This loss-sensitive wiring acted as a protective mechanism, essentially a mental alarm system that said, “Hey, if you mess this up, you’ll probably end up dead.” 

In today’s less perilous world, we may not be warding off predators and the like, but that old programming in our brain still kicks in, guiding us to avoiding loss with a vigour that far outweighs our motivation to chase gain.

The Domino Effect in Decision-Making

Here’s where it gets juicy. The asymmetry between the dread of loss and the joy of gain doesn’t just exist in a vacuum—it cascades through a myriad of decisions your clients make. Imagine you’re an accounting firm offering tax services. If a potential client perceives that they could lose money or financial stability by making a switch from their current accountant to you, they are statistically more likely to stick with their sub-par service to simply avoid the perceived ‘loss’. They might be missing out on your top-notch service, but the fear of a bad move holds them hostage.

What this tells us is that people are not always rational in their decision-making. In fact, they often lean on emotional and cognitive biases over objective analysis, especially when the stakes feel high. The influence of loss aversion is like the background music in a film—it subtly sets the tone for every scene, or in this case, every choice your potential client makes. It’s not just about the financial loss they perceive in monetary terms; it’s also about the emotional capital they’ve invested in their current service provider. They are essentially hedging against change because their brain tells them, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.” That’s why even if you present a comprehensive breakdown showcasing your superior offerings, they might still balk. It’s not that they don’t see the benefits; it’s that the perceived risks feel like they carry more weight. 

So, our challenge is not just to offer better solutions but also to de-risk the proposition in the eyes of our potential clients.


Before you go off scheming, let’s clarify: using loss aversion in your marketing doesn’t mean you manipulate your clients into making bad decisions for the thrill of it. The tightrope walk here is to use the principle of loss aversion ethically. It’s tempting to swing hard in the direction of fear-based marketing but is likely going to backfire spectacularly. Using scare tactics might give you short-term gains, but in the long run, you risk damaging the very trust you’re aiming to build.

So, how do you strike the right balance?

Your messaging should articulate the value you offer in terms of risk mitigation, without resorting to fearmongering. In the case of our hypothetical accounting firm, instead of saying “Switch to us before you get hit with an audit because of your current accountant’s mistakes,” you might say, “Our detailed accounting services are designed to give you peace of mind, reducing the risk of costly errors.”

See the difference? One terrifies; the other reassures while still making the same point. You don’t want to be the brand that cried wolf; you want to be the shepherd that quietly, confidently keeps the wolves at bay.



Understanding loss aversion provides you not just a marketing edge, but also a lens through which you can view and predict human behaviour. Knowing what makes people stick—what makes them loyal, hesitant to leave, or highly engaged is like finding the Holy Grail of client relations. It’s this kind of deep behavioural insight that transforms a business from being just a service provider to a value-centric institution. If you can tailor your offerings and communication to serve not just the needs, but also the deeply ingrained, sometimes irrational, fears and desires of your clientele, you’ve got yourself more than a successful pitch—you’ve got a long-term relationship. And in the business world, isn’t that the ultimate jackpot?

Stop Guessing. Marketing Smarter.

Fletch & Co. Marketing Services with Jodi Duncan

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