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When was the last time you decided to NOT make a purchase because you couldn’t find all the information you needed about that product or service? 

Or you opted to buy from a different brand because you were uncertain about the other brand’s quality or ability to deliver? 

Think about it. 

You’re planning a family holiday and want to book a private island tour. 

You find a promising website, but it lacks details about the tour, duration, suitability for all ages, and the reviews are outdated. 

You feel a sense of uncertainty and unease – wondering whether it’s a reputable company, if it’s good value for money, and if it’s something the whole family will enjoy. 

Not feeling confident in that company, you shut their site down and visit another company’s website that provides all the necessary information (down to the details of what’s for lunch), reviews from last month, and cancellation and refund policies. 

Feeling confident and assured, you think “bingo! take my money”, and book on the spot.

Just like you, your potential clients experience this uncertainty gap when they don’t find enough information or messaging is unclear… leading them to abandon your product or service for something that makes them feel more certain in their choice.


Our brains are wired to avoid risk and seek security. When faced with uncertainty, the brain’s fear centre triggers hesitation and doubt as a survival mechanism. 

Like, if you were out on a hike with friends, your stomach starts to rumble and you see some mushrooms on the side of the path… chances are you’re not going to pick them up and throw them in your mouth, due to the uncertainty of them being poisonous (I hope!).

This same instinct applies to purchasing decisions. 

The prefrontal cortex, which handles decision-making, subconsciouly assesses risks and favours safer, more transparent alternatives.

From a marketing perspective, understanding this response is crucial because consumers shy away from products or services lacking clear information and assurance, fearing metaphorical ‘sickness’ from regret or dissatisfaction.

And they gravitate towards brands that provide clear, comprehensive information, demonstrate credibility and efficiency, and make them feel assured and confident in their choices.


In 2013, Burger King tried to jump on the healthy bandwagon by introducing their “Satisfries”… a lower-calorie, lower-fat version of their regular French fries. 

Burger King advertisement for failed Satisfries campaign

Their marketing campaign aimed to promote these fries as a healthier alternative without sacrificing taste. 

But there was a problem. 

The campaign didn’t really explain how these fries were different from the regular fries or how they were any healthier, leaving everyone scratching their heads. 

To make matters worse, Satisfries were priced higher than regular fries. 

Without any clear information to justify the extra cost, people were left wondering why they should pay more for something they didn’t fully understand. 

And let’s not forget, Burger King is famous for its indulgent, tasty fast food. Trying to introduce a “healthier” option like Satisfries without addressing this brand conflict was a major misstep. 

So, it’s no surprise that Satisfries turned out to be a colossal flop and were discontinued less than a year after their launch.

Lesson: Make sure your marketing leaves no room for uncertainty.


Smart marketing needs to be clear, informative, and responsive. 

Start by jotting down every question you can think of that your clients might have about your product or service.

Of those questions, how many can prospective clients get answered without having to talk to you or someone on your team? 

If the answer isn’t “all of them,” you have a marketing gap that needs attention. 

Proactively answering these questions is key because most people want answers immediately… not in 24-48 hours when someone gets back to their email. 

Predicting their questions and providing answers upfront, reduces the effort they need to find information, making it as easy as possible for them to make a decision and “strike while the iron is hot”. 

Plus, the faster you can answer someone’s questions, the more efficient your business appears. And, it shows that you truly understand and anticipate your client’s needs #winwin. 

Too often, businesses make consumers work hard to find answers, leading them straight into competitors hands who provides all the information they need, when they need it. 

Time is a valuable currency these days, and consumers appreciate businesses that respect their time by providing clear, comprehensive information upfront. 

By addressing the uncertainty gap, you can reduce ambiguity, build trust, and turn hesitant prospects into confident clients without any added effort.

P.S. Want to learn how you can get closer to your audience and create marketing that influences more decisions in your favour? Here’s how I can help: 

  • Book a 1:1 Happy Hour Session to nudge you in the right direction or help with a challenge you’re facing.
  • Secure a VIP Day – let’s create a plan together on how to tap into your audience’s thoughts and behaviours to drive action, tomorrow.
  • Got a team? Let’s create a workshop or training session to help your team become more persuasive, market with impact, and drive business growth.


Hi! I'm Jodi Lee Duncan

I’m a dog loving, tea drinking extraordinaire, and the ultimate geek when it comes to all thing’s marketing, consumer behaviour and buyer psychology.

With a love for storytelling, a heart for creativity, and a brain for science I’m on a mission to help people like you think like their customer so you can create marketing that connects, influences and drives action… in your favour.

Turn 'AHA' into "CHA-CHING"

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