Take My Money Logo - Marketing and Buyer Psychology Newsletter

Turn 'AHA' into "CHA-CHING" 

Take My Money” isn’t just another newsletter. 

It’s your secret weapon in perfecting buyer and marketing psychology… without the snooze-fest. 

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When you hit a big date, like the start of a new year, month, season, or even just a Monday, your brain gets a dopamine boost that makes you feel motivated and ready to tackle new goals.

Numbers provide a sense of order and precision as they allow us to quantify, compare, and evaluate information quickly and efficiently – often better than text.

A psychological phenomenon where consumers see a product or service as more valuable when they believe significant effort has been invested in its creation.

When we feel our freedom is being restricted, we’re more likely to push back—even if the advice is beneficial—because the psychological reactance kicks in, driving us to protect our independence.

When you add game-like elements to your marketing, you turn everyday tasks into fun, engaging experiences that keep your audience coming back for more.

Our brains are wired to avoid risk and seek security. When faced with uncertainty, the brain’s fear centre triggers hesitation and doubt as a survival mechanism. 

Little pushes designed to gently steer you toward desired actions without being overtly forceful or restricting your choices, and cleverly, without you even realising it.


Hi! I'm Jodi Lee Duncan

I’m a dog loving, tea drinking extraordinaire, and the ultimate geek when it comes to all thing’s marketing, consumer behaviour and buyer psychology.

With a love for storytelling, a heart for creativity, and a brain for science I’m on a mission to help people like you think like their customer so you can create marketing that connects, influences and drives action… in your favour.