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Picture this… 

You’re scrolling through the app store, looking for a new productivity tool. 

You spot an app that promises to streamline your workflow…. and they are offering a little nudge “Try FREE for 30 Days!”. 

It’s not going to cost you anything and if it turns out to be crap, you can just cancel your trial and delete the app.

So, you sign up to see how it can make your life easier. 

Over the next few days of using the app, you get little tips popping up, showing you cool tricks and shortcuts based on your needs (that you entered when you signed up). 

A little personalised nudge. That’s neat.

At the end of the 30 days, your productivity is up and you’re hooked. You sign up for the paid features even though it’s a little more than you were wanting to pay. 

Coincidence? I think not. 

THIS is the power of “nudges”.


Nudges can come in all shapes and forms. 

From strategic placement of a product on a shelf, to personalised recommendations, to “most popular” badges on websites, to limited-time offers that create a sense of urgency – just to name a few. 

They are little pushes designed to gently steer you toward desired actions without being overtly forceful or restricting your choices, and cleverly, without you even realising it. 

The reason they are so effective is because they tap into our natural behavioural tendencies. 

Think of the last time you added an extra item to your cart because it was marked as “best seller,” or showed you “frequently bought together” (a nudge that Amazon states increases their sales by up to 35%). 

Example of Amazon product listing using Nudges to increase sales.

Or you rushed to make a purchase before a “24-hour only sale” ends.

These nudges subtly influenced your decision to buy by tapping into your innate tendencies to follow the crowd, avoid missing out, and simplify choices. 

By aligning with how we (as humans) naturally think and behave, nudges make it easier for us to make a decision, which leads to an action that benefits both us and the business.


Simple is best practice when it comes to nudges. Keep choices simple to reduce decision fatigue. Too many options can overwhelm consumers and lead to no decision at all.

While it might not be in possible every situation, tailoring nudges to individual preferences and behaviours can enhance their effectiveness. 

By using customer data and insights, you can create more relevant and personalised experiences that resonate with individual needs and preferences, ultimately driving higher engagement and satisfaction.

*Abandoned cart emails have entered the chat*

According to Shopify, businesses can regain between 5% – 11% of otherwise lost sales with this one small nudge.

Transparency is a big one here. Ensure that nudges are ethical and transparent. 

Consumers should be guided, not manipulated. Trust is crucial for long-term loyalty and one wrong move can break that. 

Your nudges should be designed in a way that allows the customer to make an informed decision, not feel like they are being coerced or misled. 


Think about your marketing strategy. Where can you introduce a nudge? 

A free trial to capture attention. A re-engagement email with a special offer. A well placed “best seller” badge on your website. A limited-time offer to drive action. 

Whatever it is… your marketing deserves a nudge.

Got a question? Just hit reply and ask away.

P.S. Want to learn how you can get closer to your audience and create marketing that influences more decisions in your favour? Here’s how I can help: 

  • Book a 1:1 Happy Hour Session to nudge you in the right direction or help with a challenge you’re facing.
  • Secure a VIP Day – let’s create a blueprint together on how to tap into your audience’s thoughts and behaviours to drive action, tomorrow.
  • Got a team? Let’s create a workshop or training session to help your team become more persuasive, market with impact, and drive business growth.


Hi! I'm Jodi Lee Duncan

I’m a dog loving, tea drinking extraordinaire, and the ultimate geek when it comes to all thing’s marketing, consumer behaviour and buyer psychology.

With a love for storytelling, a heart for creativity, and a brain for science I’m on a mission to help people like you think like their customers to create marketing that connects, influences and drives action… in your favour.

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